The technique of the Star Ai protocol can be decomposed into four separate layers.
We designed the Star Ai from the beginning to create an application programming inSTAface (or API) that any application developer can work on the Star Ai protocol. This malleable agreement means that Star Ai was not designed for a specific purpose, but rather allows developers to build on its basis for the potential benefit of many different industries.
We intend to use the easy-to-use Web 3. js + Metamask API, which will allow easy access to third parties and quickly build exSTAnal applications on the Star Ai infrastructure. In addition to the easy-to-use JS APIs, we can also enable more application-based APIs, and third parties can develop them on a basis.
To ensure that user data is stored in a decentralized manner, we will use many different techniques. In this white paper, we describe the IPFS 1-based infrastructure for retelling using IPFS. With the Star Ai protocol, we use IPFS to maintain our logic layers and databases represented by repeating the data referenced in the APIs. By using IPFS, we ensured not only the decentralized nature of our data but also the IPFS as permanent.
1. Archive Database:
A potential opportunity to use the Star Ai protocol is to data stored in various archival databases.Star Ai May provide a platform for the Smithsonian to bring Smithsonian data to a broader market.
2. Big Data:
The Star Ai agreement could help companies like Artiq, match data buyers (such as Artiq) to data collectors, saving them a lot of time and costs.
3. Advertising And Online Content:
By using the Star Ai protocol, third-party applications are opened, and the sender can create programs that consumer can voluntarily install on his computer to record his anonymous computer user data. Paul doesn't mind sharing this anonymous data with other companies.
Star AI's core team brings together the world's leading technologists, business strategists, and regulatory experts, combining advanced blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies with the aim of providing a more efficient, secure, and intelligent service experience for users around the world.
Total of 20 years in the information industry.12 years of a programming background. Led a department of up to 100 people. Like to start projects from scratch. Have a wide range of business skills in warehousing, logistics, supply chain, e-commerce, inventory management, ERP, CRM system neighborhood.COO
With 10 years of experience in marketing, sales and product development in the SaaS industry. Six years of e-commerce experience, to build the largest brand in the country, and to expand the brand to India and Turkey. He has served as Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Operating Officer. 30 times the proportional annual recurring income.CFO
As a business analyst for over 10 years on projects for the banking, public administration and telecommunications sectors. Has worked for national census data analysis, processing and reporting. Big data enthusiasts, have a deep understanding of business intelligence and data warehouse systems.CTO
With four years of experience in the blockchain world, it integrates different blockchain technologies for projects within the telecommunications, retail and financial industries and for the last two recent ICOs' startup projects. Speakers at various conferences in the UK, working as Head of blockchain practice at Sytel Reply in the UK, are a leader in providing blockchain training courses for employees across Europe.